Facing My Fears

My youngest son John was about to graduate from basic training. And I was about to face two of my greatest fears. It was hard to imagine that the child everyone teased me about being “my baby” had been through some of the toughest days of his life and made it out of the grueling…

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204 North Elizabeth

My early childhood home was tucked in at the end of the street. There were a couple houses just a bit further in, but it never quite felt that way. At first, it was just a smaller two story home, but my father added an addition. In the new area was a good-sized front room.…

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Published in Bottom Line News & Views December 13th, 2017

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Sympathy or Empathy?

I sat alone, very late at night in the intensive care waiting room.  Only hours would tell if my husband’s latest trip to the hospital, would take his life from those of us that loved him dearly. There was nothing more to do but wait.  It was lonely and cold, until along came a dear…

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A Man Who Had No Feet

Rows upon rows of toys, games, and wondrous things to fill the lists written to that jolly man up north. Peanuts and candy to fill those stockings hanging in the hall. Christmas music playing in the background.  Laughter and cheer everywhere.  It may seem that I am describing the local box store, but I am…

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Let It Go

Since the movie Frozen hit the big screen, children have grasped every word of the song “Let it Go”. It seems the song must be sung as loud as their little lungs will allow! Watching the sweet voices raised in joy, letting go seemingly with all the feelings in their tiny hearts. One cannot help…

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Autumn Joy

The weather changes are subtle, but Northlanders know that fall is upon them. The sound of school bus engine joins with other morning noises. Many question where the summer went, time just seems to swiftly fly away. Many feel time moves faster every year. But autumn is a wonderful time of golden colors, earthy smells,…

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My Happy Place

Rubble, rock, and a rain gutter used for a waterfall. This was how I would have described my father’s pond area sixteen years ago. He had taken the trouble to run electricity to the pond with a “few” safety measures. The sound the water made from his combination was very pleasant, even if not visually…

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We were a great foursome. Cousins that loved to be together. Sally, Jimmy, Larry and me. We lived in a small town that bordered Wisconsin in Upper Michigan. My family moved away when I was in fourth grade to Northern Wisconsin. A straight shot up Highway 2, a long 165 mile trip. I really looked…

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