Autumn Joy

Autumn Joy

The weather changes are subtle, but Northlanders know that fall is upon them. The sound of school bus engine joins with other morning noises. Many question where the summer went, time just seems to swiftly fly away. Many feel time moves faster every year. But autumn is a wonderful time of golden colors, earthy smells, and crisp earth beneath your feet. Another season is on its way.

Fall is a time of change. For many, it is also a time of good-byes, and moving on. Many parents will desperately try to hide their tears, leaving their little ones to the mercy of kindergarten teachers. Meanwhile, others cling just one more time, to their children, at college entrances or airports. It seems just moments ago that these children could be held close on their laps, clinging tightly to their special blanket.

Gardeners plant tulip bulbs, having faith that spring will once again come. The fruits of their labors have been picked and canned or dried, ready to bring a touch of summer sunshine later in the year. Trees that once held bold colors of red, orange and yellow now litter the ground, and their bare leaves silhouette the sky. The leaves will be raked, jumped in, and placed in the compost pile to become part of the garden in following years. The pile will turn into dark, rich soil to later enrich new plantings. All things are part of that great circle of life. A circle that seems to be much more evident at this time of year.

Gorgeous autumn sunsets are breathtaking as daylight silently dwindles away. Chores put off all summer need to be taken care, time is running out. Paint brushes come out to touch up those eaves, bushes trimmed down, that to-do list is always longer than time will ever allow. Just forgo some of those chores and just embrace the season.
The warm temperatures will rapidly drop, and cool nights will prevail. Those comfy warm blankets return to wrap us in comfort. Backyard campfires add tang to the dark night air, adding to this beautiful season. Many feel this is the best time of the year, it is easy to see the reasons it brings so much joy. Easing into a hot, bubbling hot tub on a cool night makes the brisk air even more refreshing. Soon big, plump pumpkins will adorn steps with gregarious faces, and witches and princesses will be knocking on the doors. Joggers and runners smile in relief as cool breezes wash across their faces. It is a time to grab the last bits and pieces of summer, hold them tight to warm us through the next season.

Drinking hot cider on the porch steps, the soft, quiet night is welcomed. The winter months will quickly come. It will be a time of holidays, football, indoor sports, and family. A time to remember how fleeting time is, grab hold of every single second. Make plans to enjoy life and follow through with those plans. Find time for loved ones, especially those alone. Today is a gift, it is a gift not given to everyone. Take time to smile at a stranger, notice something special about someone, and make sure to tell them. Little things go a long way towards making someone’s day special, and therefore yours. It’s a time to make sweet memories, it may be a time of endings, but it is also a time of new beginnings.

Published in Bottom Line News & Views 

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